This version of Paperscape allows you to build graphs of the arXiv papers that interest you, where papers are nodes and references are links. It complements our newly released Paperscape map project.
Ready-made graphs to explore Paperscape with:
Check out papers that are being rapidly cited:
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You can leave us a message on our development blog or facebook page.
Add papers by entering an author name or arXiv number in the search box above.
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Selecting papers lists them in this panel. References, citations and related papers of the selection are also listed. Listed papers can be added or removed from the graph without altering the selection.
Papers can be selected in the following ways:
Sort by
Enter your email address and a password will be sent to you, allowing you to login.
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Paperscape is a tool for visualising the arXiv.
Start using Paperscape now, or keep reading to find out more about these features.
The graph is displayed to the left of this panel and contains your papers. It is interactive: you can pan and zoom the view, select, move, add and remove papers, and more.
The vertical position of a paper in the graph is fixed by its publication date. You can move a paper in the horizontal direction by dragging it left or right. You can resize a paper by pulling it up or down.
Clicking on a paper selects it. Selecting papers in discussed in growing the graph below.
绝地求生加速器免费试用有哪些 试用一天有哪些_特玩 ...:2021-11-7 · 今天在这里给大家简单介绍一下绝地求生加速器。因为有很多玩家现在没有加速器没有办法玩绝地求生,但是问题在于又怕花冤枉钱,就想先免费试用一天看看,想知道能试用的有哪些
The panel sits to the right of the graph, and contains the text you are reading now. The panel has multiple uses which can be accessed using the icons sitting above the panel:
Clicking on a paper in the graph will select it.
The current selection is shown in the selected papers panel ().
For a singly selected paper, the papers it references (references)
and the papers that reference it (citations) are listed in separate tabs.
Papers listed in the panel can be added to the graph with the
A paper can be removed from the graph by again clicking the button. Alternatively, clicking on a paper in the graph will display a button, which, if clicked, will also remove that paper from the graph.
Multiple papers can be selected by toggling the group select button or holding down the shift key.
Currently selected papers that are also drawn in the graph are displayed in the graph with a bold black outline and a red halo. Drawn papers that are directly linked to the current selection have a red outline and the corresponding links are drawn red.
Find papers by searching for their author, title, keyword or discover recent or trending papers. The results are listed in the selected papers panel ().
The default search action is to query paper authors and titles. Certain search types are detected automatically. These include:
To force a particular type of search, prepend a question mark '?':
For the same words, title search and keyword topic search work differently. Example: ?t little higgs versus ?k little higgs.
Tags can be used to organise papers into groups, and to retain papers regardless of whether they are drawn in a graph.
The tags of a paper can be modified by zooming in on the paper, or, when a paper is selected, by clicking on the tag tab in the panel. Tags can similarly be applied to multiple papers at once by first selecting all the relevant papers and switching to the tag tab.
If you are logged in, papers with tags are always saved to your profile. This allows you to manage a permanent database of papers that interest you.
To select, rename or draw a tag use the tags management panel (). For each tag the number of papers in the current graph and the number of new citations it has are also shown. From this panel the papers of a tag can be given colourful backgrounds in the graph using blob or halo. Blob draws a single cloud while 旋风加速器一天两个小时 draws individual ones.
If a paper does not have a tag, but it refers to a paper which does, then these tags by association are listed in a light red colour in the search results of the selected papers panel ().
Explore newly available papers and be notified if these cite papers in your existing tags and graphs.
When new papers are published on the arXiv, Paperscape looks for those that reference any papers in your personal tags or graphs, and if they do, these papers are annotated automatically.
The browse panel () will get you started.
Discover papers in your field that have a rapidly growing number of citations. The browse panel () will get you started.
Share the graphs you make with colleagues.
From the settings panel () you can click generate new links to create a unique URL corresponding to the active graph (the one currently being viewed). There will be two URLs for the graph: one corresponds to a static version of the graph, while the other corresponds to a modifiable version.
These URLs can be given to people who you would like to share your graph with. Once created, they are independent from any changes you make, unless you explicitly update the modifiable version of the URL. In this case, the static version will also be updated.
Create a free and anonymous user profile to auto-save your data.
From the settings panel () you can import a .pscp file, generated by exporting from Paperscape, or a plain text file containing arXiv identifiers. Plain text files will be scanned for valid arXiv identifiers. In both cases, the corresponding papers will be added to your set of papers, and given a new tag.
六十载风雨砥砺 一甲子春华秋实——写在“一堆一器”建成60 ...:2021-9-26 · 六十载风雨砥砺 一甲子春华秋实——写在“一堆一器”建成60周年之际 ---栉风沐雨60年,身为我国第一台回旋加速器和第一座重水反应堆,如今,它们已成为时代的永恒见证。